Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Do you really have a business with your Work at Home Opportunity?

Something tells me that the vast majority of work at home professionals have yet to grow their operations into businesses. What they intended to take place is held in "status quo" mode due to their having fallen prey to the "Technician" as Michael Gerber describes in his classic, The EMyth, The Entrepreneurial Myth.

My favorite quote and biggest takeaway from that original 90's read? "Until you can to something 5001 times and that 5001'st time isn't identical to the first, you don't have a business, you have a job."

This statement says everything about the status of your business.

You wouldn't dream of building a manufacturing business or service operation without having strong business processes in place. The same is true of your work at home opportunity. If you haven't found or have found yourself frustrated over the lack of systems in businesses you've been involved in, then perhaps a call or email to http://realmensellskincare.com would be in order.

Your author is a networking professional but most impoortantly, a business pro.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

What comprises support in a direct sales business?

Support in your new direct sales business is defined by many things. Some of the more routine features of "support" in the way I am defining it surround sales and marketing support.

Many of you in traditional business models are aware of Regional Managers coming to town and going on sales calls with you. You sometimes dread these excursions but many times, the experience of the Regional or equivalent in your company, provides for a breakthrough. You set up better appointments, meaningful meetings, and great introductions. You don't waste time and as a result, you get more done in two days than typically accomplished in two weeks.

This same support is available from the better sponsors or uplines in a direct sales or network marketing company. As I observed the activities and behaviors of certain leaders I wanted to be sure that the teams I consulted with were coaching ready, excited, committed, and in the right pay plans and companies.

Support from uplines has to include technical or product baseline expertise, availability for weekly meetings or business briefings, decent presentations, and scheduling availability for phone calls for three way calls.

The ability to hit the ground running with pre-established support is vital. You can get into a company too early and if you don't have engaged leadership and an extremely well funded company, your early move will serve to know advantage.

If you would like more details about the level of support I'm seeing from Danielle Griggs and her Brentwood, Franklin, Fresno based teams, then shoot me a comment. I'd be glad to introduce you to her so you can do your due diligence with the R and F (Rodan and Fields) company as you determine what WAH business to start.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


First, thanks for stopping by! My name is Sherman Mohr and consider this blog a bit of an experiment. My professional life has been spent in marketing. For the first part of my career, I ran mortgage divisions for banks, launched my own mortgage firm, and ultimately ended up as President of a State Mortgage Broker Association.

I spent some time recruiting, hiring, and training a team of approx 2100 mortgage loan officers in a large network marketing mortgage operation. Ultimately, I leveraged that success into a three year run in consulting for software companies that built software and pay plans for the network marketing industry.

I'm blessed to be CEO and founder of an awesome company associated training investors to be currency traders. It is a global industry and allows me to play on a world stage.

The purpose of this blog? I have a friend and I'm trying to help her. She is a dynamic 35 plus year old professional building a team in what I know, from experience and professional analysis, will be a huge organization.

The company is funded properly. The back story is strong. Their first convention held in Oct 2009 and the product lines are working well. The pay plan is very strong but most importantly, the upline support and corporate strategic plans are strong.

I'm convinced with my experience in social media, direct sales, and network marketing history, I can find her 20 new team members by the end of the month of October.

My mentors in the business have been the best in the industry. I know something is great when I see it.

If you'd like more information about this project...pay plan details, etc, visit


I feel my friend is onto something and I would love to make a splash for her!